Quality Bits
High-quality products and teams: what are those? In this podcast, Lina Zubyte takes you on a journey to understand better how to create more efficient and successful tech products with excellent quality.
Podcasting since 2022 • 41 episodes
Quality Bits
Latest Episodes
Ethics in Tech and Games with Catherine Flick
How can we know that the products we're building are going to make a positive impact on the world? Could it be that it's only good for people like us, but does harm to others? What can we as individuals do to improve the products we're building...
Season 2
Episode 20

What We Can Learn from Deming about Building Great Products with John Willis
Have you ever heard of W. Edwards Deming? What about... the Toyota way? Lean? DevOps?John Willis is one of the pioneers of the DevOps movement, and, has recently released a book "Deming's Journey to the Profound Knowledge". In this lates...
Season 2
Episode 19

Unlocking Potential: Accessibility in Products & Workplace with Azra Tayyebi
Imagine the world with no sight. No hearing. No mobility. It's hard to comprehend how to navigate the world then. It's a reality for more people than we imagine. It also may have been or might be yours - there as well may be situational or temp...
Season 2
Episode 18

Team Glue & Why QA is a Tech Leadership Role with Vernon Richards
What does it mean to be a "team glue"? Why does it matter? Why QA should be positioned as a tech leadership role? Tune in the latest episode with the inspiring Vernon Richards to get the answers to these questions and so much more. ...
Season 2
Episode 17

Continuous Learning in a Busy World with Marie Cruz
Learning is essential, but... It's easy to fall into a learning fatigue. It can feel like one more thing in our already overflowing to-do list. To make matters more challenging, the number of online resources to learn from is growing daily.
Season 2
Episode 16